Monday, May 13, 2013


Wow, I had a busy weekend.  I had a housewarming party, a private event at Wrigley field, a scanvenger hunt, and a trip to my home town.  I'll give you the headlines since there was just so much!

My two roommates and I had a housewarming party which was really fun.  The theme (courtesy of my roommate) was "What Is Art To You?"  Some people had fun with theme - we got some pinwheels! - and others took it seriously - a gorgeous art panel from Uruguay - and others really just appreciated - the bottle of tequila they brought.  Performance art!

Before that, I went on a scavenger hunt in the north shore suburbs.  It was a thirteen clue, drive-around-town event.  Correction - drive around all the many different tiny villages on the north shore.  Of course, being from Champaign I was at a disadvantage, but I made up for by solving the final anagram to win the game.  We got t-shirts as prizes "Scavenger Hunt Champion" along with tons of candy. I wore it to work today. Whatever #rolo (a candy we got + my devil may care attitude).

Before that, I went to a private event at Wrigley Field though my work. I got to play catch and actually bat ON Wrigley Field!!  We also got a tour of the stadium, including the dug-outs, clubhouse and locker room and::
Press Box at Wrigley Field

Best view in the stadium!

The day after this marathon of events I drove 5 hours (down and back) to see my mom for mother's day in Champaign.  "WHY?!" many of my party guests asked me as I drank water and went to bed by 1am.  Simple answer: because I love my mom.

So this turned out to be "what did Kate do this weekend."  The title is not appropriate anymore.  Hopefully this will remind me to cover that topic next.  Tune in next week for more on PRINTING.

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